[pp.int.general] Antiterrorist Laws Project in Argentine Congress

eduardo at partidopirata.com.ar eduardo at partidopirata.com.ar
Thu Dec 15 19:10:48 CET 2011

The president of Argentina , Cristina Kirchner, send to the federal
congress an anti-terrorism laws.

Reforms to the Penal Code related to prevention, investigation and
sanction to terrorist actions are among the projects to be discussed.

The term terrorist is so  ambiguity so the government can be used to
suppress social protest, environmental, labor, etc.

The GAFI the adoption of these laws.


Like the anti piracy laws, or ACTA will be adopted in underdeveloped

As an example, what happens in Chile with such laws

Chile uses its anti-terrorism law against the Mapuche indigenous people.


Best Regards.


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