[pp.int.general] Paying Creators! ISPs Seem to Have Lost Net Neutrality?

Christian Hufgard pp at christian-hufgard.de
Thu Jul 21 17:53:34 CEST 2011

On 21.07.2011 16:10, Josef Ohlsson Collentine wrote:
> Seems it's very hard for ISPs to stay neutral in this fight and I like
> that some take an active stance for supporting creativity and projects by
> the help of a system like Flattr.
> http://blog.flattr.net/2011/06/flattr-teams-up-with-a-major-broadband-provider-in-sweden/

Well, that's pretty easy to explain: ISPs do not have to put any work in
creating content. The more is available for free, the better they can
sell the internet access. Do you know any ISP that is similar generous
in giving away free internet access?


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