[pp.int.general] more trademarks for piratpartiet

Amelia Andersdotter teirdes at gmail.com
Thu Mar 3 22:09:19 CET 2011

i wrote about trademarks here: 

i'm a bit sarcastic about this, so be warned.

relating to WIPO, I did find a relatively nice blogpost of mine from 
2009 where it might actually (still) be good to look up the Polish, 
then, candidate for the position as boss of EPO 

And also as related so WIPO, Piratpartiet has invested in 
representatives in Geneva for a long time 
from 2009, and consistently through 2010 our Youth Organisation Ung 
pirat was represented by Sandra Grosse who many of you will know from 
the previous PPI-conference). I believe that Ung pirat is looking for 
standing representation at WIPOs standing committee on patents (SCP) and 
that they are expected to be approved very soon.

This could also be worthwhile for Junge piraten in the south of Germany.


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