[pp.int.general] G8 vs INTERNET

Philip Hunt cabalamat at googlemail.com
Wed May 25 09:24:25 CEST 2011

2011/5/24 Joonas Mäkinen <joonas.makinen at piraattinuoret.fi>:
> This has already been a topic some week ago, but nobody took it up for
> further discussion. I'd love to see PPI get along.
> Though, I did contact them on behalf of PPFI and they no because of
> political neutrality. These problems again, parties being not trusted by
> default.

G8internet are opposing plans made by politicians. This means that
they are inherently not politically neutral. If they don't want to
work with people such as Pirates who are their natural allies, then
they are fools and are unlikely to achieve anything.

Philip Hunt, <cabalamat at gmail.com>

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