[pp.int.general] We are the news - WIPO suggest accepting PPI in Ginebra meetings about copyright

Eduardo Robles Elvira edulix at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 16:18:55 CEST 2012

Hi people,

It seems that WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) suggests
accepting Pirate Parties International as an observer in the upcoming
Ginebra talks [0]. Kudos to the PPI Board [1]! We are the news. We
should probably be writing a statement about this already, we are in
some news already in spain [1].

    Eduardo (member of PIRATA)
[0] http://wipo.int/edocs/mdocs/govbody/en/a_50/a_50_2.pdf
[1] http://int.piratenpartei.de/PPI_Board_Minutes_2012-27-03#3.3_-_Apply_as_an_observer_member_in_WIPO
[2] http://www.nacionred.com/partidos-politicos/la-organizacion-mundial-de-la-propiedad-intelectual-sugiere-aceptar-a-la-internacional-pirata-como-observadora

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