[pp.int.general] solidarity with the Pussy Riot!

Aza rata_0071 at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 20 22:21:30 CEST 2012

2012/8/20 Antonio Garcia <ningunotro at hotmail.com>:
> Could be done. At least with the use of some rationality and planning that
> is so sorely missing lately in the Pirate Movement.
> Killer applications are waiting for us showing some rational behaviour...
> because Einstein sorely regretted making possible the atomic bomb before
> making sure nobody would use it like in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and
> irresponsibly ever since, stacking ballistic missiles instead of feeding the
> people...
> Are we Pirates any wiser than that yet?

What's your suggestion? We could both do something good and gain
publicity with this.


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