[pp.int.general] On: PPI GA 2013 - Call for Hosts

Scott Elcomb psema4 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 6 20:31:09 CET 2012

On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 2:11 PM, Josef Ohlsson Collentine
<international at piratpartiet.se> wrote:
> The reason to place it outside Europe was that a few years back (the GA
> before Germany?) someone decided that the next GA would be outside Europe
> (don't remember where it's written, some official place making it almost
> binding). Because of this there has been massive complaints from Pirates
> outside of Europe that wanted to participate. Basically it's a promise to
> place the GA outside Europe but so far none outside Europe has been
> organized, had resources and enough time to arrange one.
> The point of arranging a GA outside of Europe is to spark more activity
> there as well as provide an opportunity for people that have, so far, been
> prohibited (by too high travel costs) to participate in the European based
> GA's.

Quoting an email from Samir Allioui to this list on 12/20/11:

[-- quote begins --]
Today the board had the opportunity and obligation to vote for the
location of the next General Assembly.

As you can read here: http://ppi.piratenpad.de/agenda-2011-12-20?

Candidates where;

- The Pirate Party of the Czech Republic.
- The Pirate Party of Russia.
- The Pirate Party of Tunisia

Four board members voted.

- Thomas Gaul - member of the Pirate Party of Germany.
- Lola Voronina - member of the Pirate Party of Russia, living in
Prague, the Czech Republic.
- Patrick Maechler - member of the Pirate Party of Switzerland.
- Samir Allioui - member of the Pirate Party of the Netherlands.

So far the Pirate Party of Austria, Sweden, Finland, Germany, and
Belgium had the honor of hosting a PPI General Assembly.

The members of PPI decided to let all parties have the honor to host in turns.

PPI members also agreed upon having the next PPI general assembly
outside of Europe.

These choices where made democratically and with concencus.

Not only did we have the last GA in Europe, but also in a country who
held it once before already.
[-- quote ends --]

> ---
> Regarding the other question I assume (correct me if wrong) that there is no
> problem for a non-PPI country to arrange a PPI GA (e.g. Tunisia applying
> last year).
> Personally I hope the PPI GA will be arranged outside of Europe this year.
> If not the voices will only be raised for doing this next year which is a
> very important event since it's leading up to European elections and  is an
> essential opportunity to connect with more Pirates before the elections. If
> the GA is held outside Europe there is nothing stopping an European party
> arranging another international meeting in Europe at a later date.

I'm not against a non-member country hosting a GA as long (so long as
there's an active Pirate Party) but the idea seems a bit odd, being an
general assembly of our membership.

Also, the idea of an Americas conference was floated on this list back
in 2009 by Enrique Herrera Noya, under the subject line "Propuesta a
Los Partidos Pirata Latino Americanos"; I still think that's a good

  Scott Elcomb
  @psema4 on Twitter / Identi.ca / Github & more

  Atomic OS: Self Contained Microsystems

  Member of the Pirate Party of Canada

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