[pp.int.general] Online voting versus online discussion

Thomas Bruderer thomas.bruderer at piratenpartei.ch
Tue Dec 11 00:30:13 CET 2012

No we won't do that, we use e-Voting, and we will insistent on good
solutions, but we won't blindly oppose everything with the label e-Voting.

We are very aware of the possibilities and dangers e-Voting gives us.
But the strong opposition is not a good idea. e-Voting will come, or has
alread come (It is already widley used in switzerland by the state). 30
years ago people argued against voting by letter and 30 years later
nobody here would ever want to go back. The same will happen to
e-Voting, therefore it is important to be constructive and not blindly
oppose EVERY form of e-Voting.

Yes there is potential for manipulation, but manipulation can be done
with every system, and this completley ignored.

e-Voting, if it is done right is more secure than any paper based voting
without encryption could ever be.

e-Voting will come, and we will fight that it is done right.
Cryptographically secure, end to end verifiable... and if you use a
smartcard with a keyboard only, even your botnet is not the enemy it
used to be.

We are using our e-Voting system for secret, binding votes, and it works
great. And it also showed that the weak point was neither the system.
nor the cryptography, not even the buggy software. The weakest point in
the system was the paper trail for identification. Paranoia will not
help us... if you blame evoting for manipulations you should stop voting
on paper, it's possible to massivly manipulate that without any botnet.

Thomas Bruderer,
President Pirate Party Switzerland

Am 10.12.2012 02:01, schrieb Richard Stallman:
>     As Swiss Pirates we have no fixed opinion yet between pro or
>     against internet voting. We have even developed our own evote
>     system.
> I urge you to take a stand against it.  When people vote from zombie
> computers, the botnet will decide their votes.  And that is not to
> mention the possibilities for centralized fraud.

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