[pp.int.general] URGENT: we need your signature

carlo von lynX lynX at pirate.my.buttharp.org
Fri Dec 21 14:56:08 CET 2012

On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 02:37:44PM +0100, thijs.markus at piratenpartij.nl wrote:
> You know, the great thing about the internet is the way it forces  
> evolution. Everyone can make alternatives, and the best (or at least  

You didn't exactly get the problem.. they are offering the pirate signet
and brand for sale to established crook politicians for their need to
whitewash their deeds, and they're doing it in exchange for well-paid
politician jobs.

You can't judge a 7 folks dissident group by the nice stuff they copy
and paste onto their website. In Italy nobody gives a damn about what
they promised before election. The only thing that gives you a hint is
when the party statutes include lifetime privileges for founding members
and dirty stuff like that.

So if you guys think it's a good idea for old crooks in the social
surroundings of Berlusconi and Mussolini to appear on the ballot paper
with the Pirate signet, then go ahead and let them do this freely!

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