[pp.int.general] R: PP IT and Its Non-Democratic Organization

lilo alessandra.minoni at pp-international.net
Sat Dec 22 14:06:45 CET 2012

On 22/12/2012 09:59, Carlito wrote:
> Da: Zbigniew Łukasiak 
>> Carlito - just to settle the record streight - are you involved into
>> http://www.movimentopirata.com/ ?
> Hi Zbigniew,
> No I'm not involved in Movimento Pirata but I can understand their frustration.
> This is what happened probably:

probably not. you arent in lqfb and in PP-it at all.

or you are IN with a fake account? ;)

> 1. Some Pirates tried to propose something in Liquid Feedback.

yeah, 4 -

> 2. They were stopped and stopped again by the small group who controls the Permanent Assembly. 

small? we are 350+ in lqfb.

> 3. In this case the only way to be Pirate in Italy is to fork

only way? lol. only way is to go OUT:

they  NO RESPCT  assembly at all:

IF somone thinking *ALONE* to go to next politic election with some OLD
fascist like SCILIPOTI, *using* *brand* *partito pirata*, JUST FOR  NEED

this people (sorry, in ita):

Leo Zagami:


Gaetano Vilno':

he did try same action with Movimento 5 Stelle (M5S) but Grillo (and
Casaleggio srl) take 5 minutes to meet he out of the door.

trying with a different partiet?

now, can i know why *you* ARE NOT in PP-it but you are blabla-ing _here_


here our specification, regularly voted in LQFB:

 Yes: 38 (79%) · Abstention: 16 · No: 10 (21%) · Approved

Latest draft created at 2012-12-21 13:37:36

There's a group of members of the Italian Pirate Party which
has chosen to split and launch its own center-right formation
for the coming elections in February. It has the support of
Mr Scilipoti, one of those politicians who helped the Berlusconi
government survive, over a year ago.

It would be useful for us if the international Pirate movement
where to point out does not support this group and reaffirm its
support for the Italian Pirate Party.

The values of the right cannot be ours, the values of the rights
cannot be of those who fight for liberty, integration, the dignity
of the people and the end of censorship.

The choices of the PP-IT that we share are different. We pick
the occasion to express our support to the Pirate candidate for
mayor of the city of Rome, Josef 'JoJo' Yemane.


best, lilo

-Da grande faro' il cattivo esempio, questo e' uno stage formativo-
bit in rebels
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