[pp.int.general] State men/women are like untouchable ghosts

Laboratorio Eudemonia eulab at hyperlinker.com
Thu Dec 27 20:20:48 CET 2012

On 27/12/2012 at 14.05 Andrew Norton wrote:

>doesn't sound like it. It sounds like another neat little picture of the
>authors concoction, deriving from a small subset of observations and
>assumptions, much like, to paraphrase Douglas Adams, you can derive the
>entire state of the universe from a small piece of fairy cake (and thus
>create the  total perspective vortex)


Let us make here a little symposium, a list of our Countries, in order to know the situation inside our Public Systems and societies.

Yeah, this is a great opportunity for international Lists like this.

We can begin with the european Countries and continue with Asia, Africa, Americas ...

Danilo D'Antonio

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