[pp.int.general] Artificial meat

Pirat@LennStar.de pirat at lennstar.de
Fri Feb 24 11:44:38 CET 2012

First: That is really an old story ;) I have seen it on TV three years ago.
It is as far as I know not genetically changed. It is like bacteria
growing - you just grow other types of cells.

Second: An even more interesting project is the use of insects. In
several regions of the world, these top-protein, top-effective creatures
are seen as "fancy food".
A cow needs about 9 times the amount of food as is resulted in kg. The
best insects have a ratio of 9/10 - and you can use other things than
power food. And you can grow them in standard plastic boxes every baker
or food seller uses in a room stacked full of them.
You propably can make 100 times more insects on the same space then cows.


Am 23.02.2012 17:26, schrieb Pat Maechler aka Valio:
> This could be a real breakthrough technology!
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JryIpyi-54E
> They intend to present the first experiment by this autumn
> Keep in mind that
> a) a vast amount of resources for agriculture are allocated to meat production
> b) commercialized meat production becomes more and more ethically
> questionable; while some have ethical reservations over stem-cell
> research, I doubt that they are to be weighted higher in general when
> they come into comparison with the reduction of suffering for animals
> -pat
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