[pp.int.general] Artificial meat

Richard Stallman rms at gnu.org
Sat Feb 25 13:16:27 CET 2012

As Jean-Pierre Berlan says, current GMO plants are "patented pesticide
clones".  Vat meat is a totally different issue.  It could potentially
several times as efficient as real animals.  It would certainly
eliminate issues of inhumane treatment of animals.

Rainforests are being cut down to grow feed for cattle.  By using vat meat
instead, we could save those rainforests.

These are very strong reasons to use vat meat, much more powerful than
the small efficiency advantages that are the sole supposed benefit of
GMO plants.

By the way, I ate larval bees once in Taiwan.  They melt in the mouth.
I loved it and I hope some day I will have another chance.

Dr Richard Stallman
President, Free Software Foundation
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Boston MA 02110
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