[pp.int.general] Thank you for taking part in the last joint action on SOPA/PIPA!

Pat Maechler aka Valio pirate at valio.ch
Thu Jan 19 18:30:15 CET 2012

Hello @all!

Thank you all for taking part in the last joint action on SOPA/PIPA.

1) The joint PR was well received as it has real quality in it!
(though we do not know how many media used it).

2) the black out was a real succes

I consider it a succes that even Congressmen are reconsidering their
support for SOPA. Knowing, it won't be over. The hazard is still
imminent. Let us watch careful what happens to it in the futuere. We
should stay alert.

But for today, Thank you all for you help! Keep the pirate movement running!

Best regards


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