[pp.int.general] Other (no sot good) reaction to MU joint complaint campaign

Dario i at dario.im
Fri Jan 27 17:33:43 CET 2012


As you probably have seen, the joint complaint campaign had been featured
in Reddit, Hacker News, Torrentfreak, TechCrunch, BBC, etc. All good but
there are also some bad reactions to our actions. Just a few and not very
important, but I want to highlight the worst one.

Feel free to read my informal translation of a column from Empar Moliner, a
catalan journalist and writer who has a bit of influence here. Well, just a
bit. https://cat.piratenpad.de/ep/pad/view/ro.5qXar-KIITDFpaPZTbtdT/latest

If you want tl;dr, here it goes: she just blame our name (Pirate) and she
childishly assumes, that all pirates (from Pirate Party) are thieves who
want to pay nothing. Classic.


Dario Castañé
http://www.dario.im | http://twitter.com/im_dario
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