[pp.int.general] Towards a secure eDemocracy platform based on Web service standards

Markus Drenger markus.drenger at piratenpartei-hessen.de
Sat Jul 14 01:17:01 CEST 2012

Am 14.07.12 01:00, schrieb Richard Stallman:
>     I would argue that we can, if we have non-secret voting, so e-voting is
>     'only' unusable in votes where we do not want people to be able to track
>     our votes (which are the more important votes, obviously).
> Non-secret ballots are no problem.  You can publish the list of votes,
> and the voters can check that their votes were stated correctly in the
> list.  They can also check that all the votes are associated with
> elegible voters.

non-secret ballots are a problem, too. even when every voter checks his
or her vote, the sum of votes has not been verified. Votes may be added.


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