[pp.int.general] Global heating: 2 degrees of heating is 16 years away

Maxime Rouquet maxime.rouquet at partipirate.org
Sat Jul 28 10:04:10 CEST 2012

On 07/25/2012 10:15 AM, Kenneth Peiruza wrote:
> About geothermal, well, looks great, however Swiss gov. Auhorized a
> company to do ao, and the experiment got cancelled after more tan 400+
> earthquakes affeced all the villages in the surrounding area. Iceland is
> successful in it's usage, but they don't need to dig 1km to use it, so
> leave geothermal for places with active volcanos, something we miss in
> most EU zones and even countries...

By geothermal energy I also speak about installations you can put at one
or two meter deep in your garden/field/other that can use the difference
of temperature between ground and air to heat your house/farm/other.

If you have places with volcanic activity, you can dig deeper with a
very high efficiency. Such geothermal energy would probably be workable
and powerful everywhere there is a volcano nearby. It is the case on
most islands (in France we have a dozen of overseas territories of that
kind), but there is a wide range of intermediate installations possible.

Geothermal energy is not a unique magic solution, but that does not mean
you should trash everything about it in two sentences like this.

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