[pp.int.general] ACTA

Richard Stallman rms at gnu.org
Sat Jun 2 06:15:10 CEST 2012

The use of the term "intellectual property" in the directive and its
advocacy are a sign to expect it to be bad.  That term spreads
confusion whenever it is used, and encourages bad laws.  Thus, the
most basic problem with IPRED and its revisions is that they were
designed based on the ideas of that term.  The specific problems are
elaborations of that.

As we oppose individual bad proposed laws, we should not forget to
oppose the patterns of thought that generate them.

Dr Richard Stallman
President, Free Software Foundation
51 Franklin St
Boston MA 02110
www.fsf.org  www.gnu.org
Skype: No way! That's nonfree (freedom-denying) software.
  Use Ekiga or an ordinary phone call

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