[pp.int.general] International news service

Gefion Thürmer gefion.thuermer at piratenpartei.de
Fri Jun 29 22:49:26 CEST 2012

Hi everyone,

we've got a small update on our news service for you. We got more than 175 suggestions - thank you all so much! We now shortlistes our favourites and are interested in your opinion. Please vote for your favourite name in the doodle (and give reasons in the comments if you like!) We won't promise that we will pick the name that gets most votes, but would like to have all of your input before we make our decision: Doodle: http://www.doodle.com/6puhcttfbzae6hi9

Also, we are still searching for support in terms of contribution. So if you would like to help, just let me know or look at our wiki page: http://wiki.pp-international.net/Ppintnews


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