[pp.int.general] PPI board meeting minutes and some updates about the conference

eduardo at partidopirata.com.ar eduardo at partidopirata.com.ar
Fri Mar 2 15:40:54 CET 2012

In Argentina is more simple do a municipal political party (only for towns
and cities) for example a Buenos Aires Pirate Party (only of Buenos Aires
city, like Berlin in German) and then grow to provincial parties.

As municipal party you can present to Municipal chargues (like Consejo
Deliberante in Argentina, the legislative of the citi or major) .

In Argentina you need have a recognized political party in 5 provinces to
present candidates for president and vice

If you have a provincial party may occur as a federal charques as deputy
or senator. Or governor of the province.

So, we work in Buenos Aires city and then in the cities or provinces when
we have presence.

Best Regards.

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