[pp.int.general] Congratulations

Francisco George francisco.george at gmail.com
Mon Mar 26 07:16:32 CEST 2012

>From PP-ES

Our sincere Congratulations to all companions of PP-DE and especially to
PIRATEN SAAR and their young leader Jazmin Mauer for the outstanding result
in the elections yesterday.

In Spain we had election in Andalucia and Asturias. In the first the right
wing party, Partido Popular, has won in number of votes and percentage, but
they didn't acheive the absolute majority that was necesserary for them to
take away from the Socialist the government in Andalucia. Despite
corruptions scandals and misuse of Public money The Socialists will remain
in Government thanks to a Coalition with Izquierda Unida, a joint platform
of leftist parties. In Asturias the government will be a coalition between
right wing(Partido Popular) and center right(Foro de Asturias) parties.

Francisco George
Vocal of JDN
Press Officer of PP-ES
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