[pp.int.general] Argentina the 2nd worst´s copyright law but in Priority Watch List: of 301 report!

eduardo at partidopirata.com.ar eduardo at partidopirata.com.ar
Wed May 2 00:11:12 CEST 2012

Argentina has the 2nd. worst copyriright law in the world, but we are in
the Priority Watch List of the 301 report!!

The 301 Report :

http://keionline.org/sites/default/files/2012Special301Report.pdf (is a
pdf file):

The 2012 Special 301 review process examined IPR protection and
enforcement in 77 trading partners. Following extensive research and
analysis, USTR has listed the 40 trading partners below as follows:

Priority Watch List: Algeria, Argentina, Canada, Chile, China, India,
Indonesia, Israel, Pakistan, Russia, Thailand, Ukraine, Venezuela.

All the lobby of the U.S will come to us! Uf..

Perhaps the U.S goverment wants to have any like Sinde Law!:

"Spain – In recognition of Spain’s recent efforts with respect to IPR
protection and enforcement, the United States has removed Spain from the
Watch List. The United States applauds Spain’s adoption of regulations
implementing the “Ley Sinde,” a law to combat copyright piracy over the
Internet. The United States will monitor the implementation of these
measures and their overall effectiveness in addressing online piracy."

(But Argentina is in the  Priority Watch List!!!)

Best Regards Happy Labor Day , in some countries.

Partido Pirata Argentino.

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