[pp.int.general] Research Survey.

Andrew Norton ktetch at gmail.com
Tue May 8 09:18:19 CEST 2012

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On 5/5/2012 11:23 AM, Richard Stallman wrote:
>     https://docs.google.com/a/pirateparty.org.au/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dGN0NkNDODVHZHg3T0hKSWFtT1VYbXc6MQ 
> I suspect that people will find it impossible to fill in answers there
> without running a large nonfree Javascript program.
> The Pirate Party doesn't campaign for abolishing nonfree software.
> But is it good Pirate Party activities to push people into using
> nonfree software?

A better question we have to ask ourselves is, "what is the aim of the
Pirate Party?"

Is it to be the political arm for the FSF, as Sinn Fein was for the IRA? No.
Therefore your question is really more of a distraction from our core
aims. Personally, I don't care if it's 'free' not 'nonfree' so long as
it enabled me to do the work that needs doing. We could spend time
making sure we only use 'free software', or we could spend time working
on our core issues. I think out time is better spent on the latter. If
there's a readily available 'free' option, that takes little/no extra
time and effort, then sure, use it if you want, but we have so much to
do, and so little in the way of resources, that it's a time&effort
wasting distraction that we can ill-afford.

Sure, Mozart could have spent another 90mins making a pure html version
for 'free use', but that's 90mins that has been spent to do the same
job, and thus 90mins that couldn't be spent on something else, like
ACTA, or any one of a dozen other pressing issues. then the extra time
to process things after.... It's a luxury we can't afford, even if you can.

And suggesting we take extra time, to satisfy some philosophical
position that isn't even a pirate position... that just doesn't seem
logical, does it? More like touting a philosophy for the sake of it really.


> --
> Dr Richard Stallman
> President, Free Software Foundation
> 51 Franklin St
> Boston MA 02110
> www.fsf.org  www.gnu.org
> Skype: No way! That's nonfree (freedom-denying) software.
>   Use Ekiga or an ordinary phone call
> ____________________________________________________
> Pirate Parties International - General Talk
> pp.international.general at lists.pirateweb.net
> http://lists.pirateweb.net/mailman/listinfo/pp.international.general

- -- 
Andrew Norton
Tel: +1(352)6-KTETCH [+1-352-658-3824]
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