[pp.int.general] Work Groups on a common EU programme and statutes for PPEU

Antonio Garcia ningunotro at hotmail.com
Wed May 9 02:20:39 CEST 2012

Yes, the subject is being discussed in a pad: https://eu.piratenpad.de/name

Nice to know we have the same kind of ideas on a few subjects ;) .

PEP would also help manage the fact that in some languages the expression starts with the Party bit, and in other languages with the Pirate bit, like in Partido Europeo de los Piratas vs. Pirates of Europe Party.


Date: Wed, 9 May 2012 02:55:47 +0300
From: teirdes at gmail.com
To: pp.international.general at lists.pirateweb.net
Subject: Re: [pp.int.general] Work Groups on a common EU programme and statutes for PPEU

    Dear all,


    I think it should be of high priority for our working groups to
    determine a name the abbreviation of which will not be easily
    confused with "EPP" (European People's Party). They are presently
    the largest parliamentary political group, with around 320 members
    belonging to conservative, christian and ultra-conservative/neocon
    parties from all over the Union. See http://www.epp.eu


    For language reasons, also PPE (Partido Popular Europeo) should be
    excluded, as well as EP (European Parliament) and PE (Parlement


    If we form the Party of European Pirates, we could make it a
    standing activity to organise PEP-talks.






    Pe 09.05.2012 01:32, Martina Pöser a scris:
      Work Groups on a common EU programme and statutes for PPEU
      Dear fellow Pirates,
      there is a lot to do to prepare for the EU elections in 2014.
        And what better time to start than now? ;-)
      I've prepared tools for two work groups:
      No. 1: We will try to create a common EU election programme for
        all Pirate Parties in member states of the European Union.
      Who wants to help here, please subscribe to this mailing list:
      No. 2: We will try to create different sets of statutes for a
        PPEU ("European Pirate Party/Parties" or "Pirate Party/Parties
        of Europe"), one of which might be chosen to become the
        foundation for a possible future PPEU.
      Who wants to help here, please subscribe to this mailing list:
      All work will be done in a piratepad and results will be posted
        on Wiki and the general PPEU-ML
        (http://lists.pp-international.net/listinfo/pp-eu). So anyone
        who is only interested in discussing the results can do that
        then and there.
      To coordinate our affords we will convene in mumble-conferences
        on a regular basis. The meeting place will be the German NRW
        mumble/International/PPEU (almost at the end of the list). If
        you need help to find the room or set up the server, please ask
        me and I try to help you.
      For a first meeting I created two doodles. Please note down the
        dates and times which are convenient for you until Thursday
        evening 22:00 MET. To make it possible for people (and me) to
        visit both meetings, I will choose two different days from the
      Doodle for EU Programme Work Group:
      http://www.doodle.com/5afdbyyfmhykukfy (all times are MET)
      Doodle for PPEU Statutes Work Group:
      http://doodle.com/75h6ipg6csew5kqm (all times are MET)
      During the launch meetings all necessary "orga-foo" will be
        discussed, So it would be a good thing for all people who really
        want to work with these groups to try to be present then.
      Working language will be English, but we will try to translate
        any future results into as many languages as possible.
      To contact all possibly interested people, please x-post this
        mail on all those lists that you deem the right place for this
        and where this mail hasn't been posted yet. 
      I hope there will be many people who like to contribute to any
        of these two projects, as there will be a lot of work ahead of
      Martina Poeser


Pirate Parties International - General Talk
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