[pp.int.general] Don't roast our planet

Jack Allnutt j.allnutt at pirateparty.org.uk
Thu May 17 12:22:50 CEST 2012

On 17 May 2012 11:16, Loïc Grobol <loic.grobol at gmail.com> wrote:
> And how do you know who manipulates who?
> Even though, look at the alternative. Global heating is a reality,
> even if its magnitude may be debatable, but there is no evidence that
> it can't be harmful. Assuming that it won't is foolish if we can't be
> sure, thus we should assume that it will be harmful.
> Either we are contributing to it or we are not, but either way, we are
> emitting greenhouse gases, along with pollution is most cases. Even if
> we are not contributing to it, it won't harm us to cut the emissions,
> furthermore, research in this domain has very good odds to yield
> sustainable and clean energy production means.
> So even the reality of global heating is not relevant, neither is our
> contribution to it. We need to stop relying on fossil fuels, if only
> because they won't last forever. We need to stop polluting the
> atmosphere, if only for the sake of our health. It would be great to
> have sustainable, clean and cheap energies. The sooner, the better.
> Even if you were right to question the reality of global heating, it
> just harms this cause.
> L.

I'll just leave this here:

-- Jack

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