[pp.int.general] Tyrant banks, walk the plank!

aloa5 piratenpartei at t-online.de
Fri May 18 17:20:34 CEST 2012

Jan Lettow schrieb:

> Politcians and economists congegrate about a common politcial
> ideology, to the result that every party has "their" economists to
> give credibility to their policies and claim to power.

And THAT is the way it "work" today. The politicians have an ideology 
and do what they want to do ... and search for an economical ideology 
wich fits for their needs.

> But there is a growing number of people who don't want to simply
> follow one economic school or the other, but have a say on how the
> economy should be run.

Hey Jan.... not people follow an economical ideology. People have an 
ideology and look for scientists saying what they have to say. ;)

Every day I see this way of working in parts of the German PP.

"WE WANT"..... and then - at the end - they come to the economics with 
this statement: "we voted for - we need the money, go look for it".
Happend several times (to me) within the last year. ;)


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