[pp.int.general] Don't roast our planet

Richard Stallman rms at gnu.org
Sat May 19 16:42:45 CEST 2012

    And that we suddenly realize that during the last 20 years we took measures
    to cut-off C02 emissions and that these heavy measures didn't stop global
    warming at all cos in fact, we didn't analyse toroughouly the topic at the
    beginning and we blindly accepted for granted the C02 theory, even if we
    didn't have all the necessary data.

Climate scientists don't accept this theory "blindly".  There is
intense research into all aspects of the climate system.

But there is no way that the added CO2 could fail to heat up the
Earth.  And as the emissions are increasing steadily, the CO2 level is
increasing faster and faster.  Eventually that has to overwhelm any
other factors. unless those increase too.

    That's dangerous. Because then will realize we lost 20 years into looking
    for other solutions, like this one [1] or these ones [2][3], in the case
    the sun would be the cause.

I don't think any time is being lost.  There is a lot of research into
the Sun as well.

Dr Richard Stallman
President, Free Software Foundation
51 Franklin St
Boston MA 02110
www.fsf.org  www.gnu.org
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