[pp.int.general] Don't roast our planet

Helmut Pozimski mailinglist at pozimski.eu
Sat May 19 17:29:00 CEST 2012

Am 19.05.2012 16:42, schrieb Richard Stallman:
>     And that we suddenly realize that during the last 20 years we took measures
>     to cut-off C02 emissions and that these heavy measures didn't stop global
>     warming at all cos in fact, we didn't analyse toroughouly the topic at the
>     beginning and we blindly accepted for granted the C02 theory, even if we
>     didn't have all the necessary data.
> Climate scientists don't accept this theory "blindly".  There is
> intense research into all aspects of the climate system.
> But there is no way that the added CO2 could fail to heat up the
> Earth.  And as the emissions are increasing steadily, the CO2 level is
> increasing faster and faster.  Eventually that has to overwhelm any
> other factors. unless those increase too.
This could actually be true, I kind of share the point of view that
reducing emissions and saving energy is always a good thing even if we
don't know for sure if it's all about CO2. The thing I wonder a bit
about is that seemingly no one cares or talks about methane (CH4). From
what I learned in the past, methane has even stronger effects on the
climate and also stays in the atmosphere for a longer time than CO2.

Today everyone just seems to be going crazy about CO2 so I wonder, are
the methane emissions into the atmosphere to small to add to the
greenhouse effect or is it just ignored for economical and political

Kind Regards

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