[pp.int.general] First meeting of European Pirate Thinktank Hanover on 8th of June

Justus Römeth roemeth at gmail.com
Tue May 22 17:30:40 CEST 2012

Moin Pirates

Benjamin Siggel (@crackpille) and me are planning to meet regularly in
Hanover to talk about the Pirate movement from a European perspective with
those local (and not-so-local) Pirates that are interested. Our first
meeting will start on the night of the day before the summer congress of
PPCH in Aarau starts. We would like to invite all interested Pirates that
can make that meeting to join us, that invitation is of course also true
for subsequent meetings. We could even schedule such meetings around the
travel-plans of international Pirates that would like to attend such a
meeting in the future, if we have enough time to plan that. I am also sure
that sleeping spots for those lacking means for hotel/hostel rooms (or
those that just would like to connect with local Pirates more) can be
arranged with no problems.

For now we will just discuss general European Pirate topics, present our
work at PPEU (and the work others are doing at PPI) to local pirates and
tell them how they can get involved with pirates from other countries
working on inter/transnational topics and the likes, trying to work from a
European, not a German, perspective where possible and feasible.

Kind regards

Justus Römeth
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