[pp.int.general] A question for Swedish Pirates regarding Social Democrats

Marko Mitrovic archamond at gmail.com
Wed Oct 10 11:50:57 CEST 2012

Hello fellow Pirates.

I have one question for Swedish Pirates, although answers from other
countries with strong Social Democrat parties would also be welcome.

What is, mainly economics and social welfare, stance of Pirates in
Sweden compared to traditional Social Democrat views? This might be of
some help to us in Serbia by giving us some starting position from
where we can build our own policies and drawing comparisons when
needed in media.

While Pirates are not fitting on traditional left-right scale some
comparison still can be made for specific issues.

Additional question would be regarding opinion polls regarding 2014
Swedish elections. How are Pirates standing there, if you are even
included on polls? Wikipedia page have only eight old parties, not
Pirates and I don't know Swedish so can't Google results on your
language :P

Many thanks and best regards :)

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