[pp.int.general] Julia Schramm

Thomas Gaul thomas.gaul at pp-international.net
Thu Sep 20 00:17:18 CEST 2012

Am 20.09.2012 00:01, schrieb David Arcos:
> Hi,
> http://piratetimes.net/julia-schramm-and-dmca-takedowns-a-pirate-and-her-copyright/
>> This half-official statement is most likely not enough to calm the media
> and the outraged pirates.


Though I am not informed officially (still awaiting a phone call from
the German Chairman) - some news came forward to me:

There will be an additional statement from PP-DE covering the happenings.

Julia is given the task to tell everyone what she did while signing the
contract and in between to promote our ideas to her publisher till the
time it got published.

There will be a 'brochure' on "copyright" issues to be published next
week. Press promotion seems to be under preperation.

Sorry for not to be able to deliver better information - i still lack them.

Best to you all

int. coord. PP-DE

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