[pp.int.general] what are the minimum true core Pirates principles? -Attempt to get a workable consensus-

Mattias Bjärnemalm mattias.bjarnemalm at piratpartiet.se
Mon Sep 24 16:24:14 CEST 2012

Direct democracy is not a core value of all pirate parties.


Anouk Neeteson <jakobsheep at gmail.com> skrev:

Introduction, I am helping the pirate party Netherlands, Belgium and France with International coordination.
At this moment these PP are growing so quick from a small (a few dozen pirates) number to a big (1000 and more) number that there are obvious organisational problems.

My point is that I can not get rid of the impression that the chaos is basicly around the fear of loosing the true Pirate principles/values due this change. So what are the true pirate values clearly defined?
In my search I come to http://int.piratenpartei.de/Uppsala_Declaration#Uppsala_Declaration the Uppsala declaration. Here I find the pirate values being described but not defined. So I give it a try to get a synthesis.

So if I am not mistaking the PP objectives are:

1- Transparent governing and all public organisations have to become transparent as well.

2- Direct democracy and participation of all citizens.

3- A complete review of the copyrights and patenting system.

4- Protection and guarantee of privacy and safety.

5- In consideration with point 4 the freedom on information, education and knowledge.

These need surely additional wording but firstly do they need more core points ?
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