[pp.int.general] World Intellectual Property Day- Creativity: the next generation

eduardo at partidopirata.com.ar eduardo at partidopirata.com.ar
Thu Apr 25 17:09:08 CEST 2013

 From the weather to the markets to the next big thing in technology or 
the arts, we all want to know how the world will look tomorrow.

"What used to be science fiction is now fact. But what’s next? What is 
the future beyond the future? What disruptive technology is now just an 
idea bouncing around a young engineer’s mind? Who will create the next 
online sensation that again changes how we talk to each other? What new 
music will emerge from a garage somewhere to rock the world’s dance 
floors or unnerve the academy? Who are tomorrow’s great artists and 
innovators? How are they working; how do they create? And how will they 
get their creations to market in a world where the game changes, almost 


And a question to them:

Who will be the next offender of intellectual property?

Best Regards

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