[pp.int.general] Aaron Swartz Commits Suicide > two projects

Loïc Grobol loic.grobol at gmail.com
Sun Jan 13 16:29:34 CET 2013

On 13 January 2013 16:19, Rayna <rayna.st at gmail.com> wrote:
> This is plain wrong. Depression is one of the main public health issues of
> the 21st century, it is *not* a light disorder.
I think that she meant “compared to autism, bipolar disorder…”. Of
course it is not benign, but it should be curable in most cases as far
as I know.

> Depression is not just a
> week-end sadness. Health practicioners call depression "the silent
> epidemic". So, well, are you feeling fine stigmatizing people -- dead
> people! -- while calling for end of stigma?
> Beyond this: are you any kind of psychiatrist having followed the person? If
> so, you are deontologically wrong to unveil details. If not, you are in no
> way qualified to seed psychologization around.
> Thank you for trying to avoid such obscenity.
Please, could you try avoiding flaming this thread? I did not know
Aaron personally, but I am pretty sure he would not approve this. I
understand that you can feel offended, especially if you have had to
dealt with depression yourself or with relatives or friends, but
please let's try to be civil at least in this thread.

Thank you, all.


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