[pp.int.general] Who is running this LQFB?

Nuno Cardoso nuno.cardoso at pp-international.net
Thu Jan 17 14:50:10 CET 2013

On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 12:21 PM, Carlito <carlito at subvertising.org> wrote:

> Hi Nuno,
> Don’t' you think this could influence Board's decisions, putting you in a
> strongest position?

Since my vote would be just a reflection of the PPI members votes, if their
vote influences board decisions then the board primary function would
be fulfilled perfectly as stated in the statutes because:

*XIII. Functions of the Board*
*(1) The functions of the Board are:*
*a) to act on behalf of the General Assembly between its meetings; to give
effect to its decisions, recommendations and policies;...*

Since the *"General Assembly"* is also a body that still exists even
outside of it's *"meetings"*, like all other bodies, having their vote (*
"decisions"*) make the board *"act on behalf of the General
Assembly"*is exactly what is desired.

> IMHO if you want to have a tool "binding to you as a as a Board member" you
> should just activate a personal instance of Liquid Feedback on your own
> domain/blog and not related to the PP INT.

We'll there is a simple solution for that, let the members start an issue
with an initiative for changing the link and let democracy play out, fine
with me, it's there just for that purpose. ;)
And if an issue to kill the association of LQFB with a PPI domain URL is
what it takes to make LQFB haters use it, so be it, the irony will be as
poetic and epic as ye olde tales of pirate adventures! Arrr!!! ;D

> Best,
> Carlito

Pirate regards,

PS: I won't be dragged into another endless discussion, so let's not even
go there...pretty please with sugar on top? My filters thank you in
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