[pp.int.general] R: Who is running this LQFB?

Carlito carlito at subvertising.org
Thu Jan 17 13:21:30 CET 2013

Da: Nuno Cardoso

> On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 12:38 PM, 
>> Thomas Bruderer <thomas.bruderer at piratenpartei.ch> wrote:
>> * What is the purpose of these?
> Referring again to my first message about it, and continuing the previous 
> quote "... so that their opinions and decisions can flow to the board 
> using me as a vessel and hopefully inspiring the others, so that we can 
> abide by the PPI goals as stated in the statutes: "II. Goals (1) The goals

> of the association are: a) to act according to the major interests and 
> goals of its Members," It can also serve as a tool for preparing,
> and have preliminary non-binding votes on statutes amendments and 
> other motions so that when we reach the next GA all as been agreed 
> upon and we just vote them and not waste all our time with last minute 
> motions and counter motions written on the knee to change a paragraph 
> or a word, or to decide if we can actually do that change, or to decide if

> we can even decide, or to decide on how we decide, etc. ad nauseam..."
>> * What should the result be?
> The results should be "preliminary non-binding votes" for the PPI members 
> or board but binding to me as a board member like I promised. So far no 
> ordinary member used it to create initiatives on any issue that I could
> to the board and request an official vote on which my own vote would be 
> the result of the LQFB vote on that issue.

Hi Nuno,
Don’t' you think this could influence Board's decisions, putting you in a
strongest position? 
IMHO if you want to have a tool "binding to you as a as a Board member" you
should just activate a personal instance of Liquid Feedback on your own
domain/blog and not related to the PP INT.

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