[pp.int.general] The ROUTE waiting for PIRATES

Laboratorio Eudemonia eulab at hyperlinker.com
Fri Jul 5 23:58:04 CEST 2013

On 05/07/2013 at 16.35 seykron wrote:

>How much is "short" for you?, do you have in mind the steps to carry out
>what you consider "the pirate way"?

Before that, it would be necessary understand at least a little the difference between the two ways. Who has never worked on that cannot imagine at this point the huge cultural difference between these two approaches. And I cannot occupy this List in order to show the unknown world that has been hidden for decades by hundreds of thousands of barons of the universities.

I conclude: no one and no group or party can make the work that can be made by a whole harmonious people united by a well written social pact. We cannot talk about details, times and steps now. We should first establish that a world in which people is left out of his same common house cannot be the world in which we want to live. Established that, the rest will be easy.

Have all a nice weekend, ciao, danilo

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