[pp.int.general] HOW TO AVOID THE CIVIL WARS

Laboratorio Eudemonia eulab at hyperlinker.com
Wed Jul 10 08:46:40 CEST 2013

 Europe come back at the helm of culture

	The arrogant and underhanded domestication to a democracy reduced to a fraction thereof, perpetrated for decades by the barons of the universities all around the globe (following the example provided by ITALIAN and EUROPEAN professors, bosses of the culture in our Countries and reference for those far) continues to provide bloody effects worldwide.

When the whole yearning of the Peoples for democracy is conveyed only in the narrow ambit of the public decisions, only in the PARLIAMENT, only in the election moment, it is inevitable that the crowds remain divided into factions. Not having other COMMON PLACE and PRACTICE, they end up to brawl among themselves, till to produce tragic civil wars.

Even having the whole cake forming the RES PUBLICA, Peoples watch and point only at the icing of Parliament, ignoring the succulent base of Public Institutions, offices, production activities, roles and powers that the barons popularizers of the old tyrannical inculturation (more powerful than the leaders themselves) have carefully maintained extraneous to the democratic participation.

	Let's get rid for a moment, at least ideally, of the nefarious presence of the barons of the universities. Now imagine the Democracy as it could and should be realized (here in Italy and elsewhere) from the first breath of our Republics: in the PERIODIC RESTITUTION to people of every PUBLIC TASK, be it Administrative or Governmental. Peoples, we citizens would have a huge public SPACE to express and compare ourselves, our desires, our fears. The same TIME granted to the practice of Democracy would been extended to the whole year. The barons have instead imprisoned the Democracy in Parliament (estranging the many places of the Public Administration and Production) and in the moment of voting.

Personally I can not imagine a more abject work, so far-reaching, made by so many for so long time, of that accomplished by the entire university's barony, which only aim has been to hide the ESSENCE of DEMOCRACY for the sole purpose of preserving the malefics permanent positions inherited from the previous tyrannies. If today prisons would open and all detainees, even the worst criminals, would come out, they could not do to our societies (never they would be able!) the evil procured by dudes self-and-super-titled undisputed bosses of culture.

	But now let's move on and progress by ourselves, without the misleading "help" of others.
	Also minding to permanently remove these people from our Res Publica.

To make advance our world, to abandon the trenches, to bring people together, it is necessary everywhere a precise step: the DEMOCRATISATION of the WHOLE RES PUBLICA. Let us note that the PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT has a civic and religious component (of course in the literal sense of the latin term "religare": keeping together) of paramount importance. It is something that unites us in depth, which contains the very meaning of being a society. Let's rewrite our SOCIAL PACT by establishing that any person, eager to serve and prepared for the role, can access at fixed time (to not transform into a tyrant) the tasks of the Public Employment. We will have such a COMMON AGORAS, of such beauty and grandeur, of such wealth, knowledge and power, to imprint our DNA with the desire to preserve at every cost the good fortune of having won a similar, yet unlived, condition.

	But attention!

This evolution competes prior to ITALY and EUROPE. The great discovery, of what really Democracy is and why it has been so long delayed, was made in Italy, therefore in Europe. There is no better way to redeem us from our global responsibilities that to do, though belatedly, what we have escaped to do for a long time. On the other hand, a similar evolution cannot happen in those Countries, in those social organisms, now in a process of acute inflammation, before they calm down. It competes to us, Peoples yet sufficiently in peace, that already much time ago should have offer a shining example to follow, comply with what is written in our Constitutions and finally transform in democratic our RES PUBLICA: by introducing the FIXED TERM in the PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT.

	Because in Democracy everything public must be shared.
	Both in the field of DECISIONS and of JOBS.

	DEMOCRACY, indeed, is the same sharing of our RES PUBLICA.

Let us thank the GOOD FORTUNE for this discovery and to be still in time to apply it!

Danilo D'Antonio

Piazza del Municipio
64010 Rocca S. M. (TE)
Italia - Europa

tel. ++ 39 339 5014947



p.s.: apologies my inadequate skills;
      why don't you do better?

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