[pp.int.general] pirate logo copyright

Maxime Rouquet maxime.rouquet at partipirate.org
Wed Jun 12 12:10:33 CEST 2013

On 06/11/2013 09:58 PM, Boris Turovskiy wrote:
> Hi,
> my question - as a copyright-Pirate;) - is, how can the CC-BY-SA license
> of the Pirate logo agree with its trademark protection. Under the CC
> license, anybody can use the logo as far as attribution is guaranteed.
> Does the trademark registration mean that we in fact impose stricter
> rules than those implied by the CC license?

The Creative Commons licences let anybody use the logo as far as
attribution is guaranteed AND that it is made clear it was changed from
the original version without the approval of the author.

See for example paragraph 3.b of the CC-BY 3.0 license :

As far as I know, putting this logo on a flyer for example would be an
adaptation, and would therefore require to make clear somehow that the
PP-FR did not endorse this flyer composition.

The trademark is there to prevent somebody to use PP-FR logo, a
derivative work or an imitation that would confuse the people seeing it
into believing it or its use is endorsed by PP-FR.

The motivation for owning the trademark was to protect the identity of
PP-FR. Copyright would not prevent another group to call itself "Parti
Pirate [something]", or to use this term in another logo.

By the way, the law in France does not forbid to create associations
with similar names (and for the record, there has been a "Parti Pirate
Français" recognized as an association in 2009, despite the "Parti
Pirate" being already recognized).



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