[pp.int.general] R: Pirates and the 5 Star Movement

Cal. peppecal at gmail.com
Wed Mar 6 20:48:39 CET 2013

06/03/13 19.45, Richard Stallman:
>     This image deserves:
>     https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/181053_474599305929247_1110523618_n.jpg
>     (translated captions: screw, everything has to be opensource!... ...as
>     written here on my ipad!)
> I don't know what is in that image, but if it is about me, and it says
> "open source", it is misleading.

It's about Beppe Grillo.

> What does the image show?

It shows him with a microphone in one hand and an iPad in the other.

> Who posted the image?

It's a meme, I've seen it on facebook, friendfeed and reddit.

> How can I reach him?

Don't know if she's traceable.

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