[pp.int.general] Pirate Party MEP Fails to Deliver True Copyright Reform | TorrentFreak

Christopher Clay hello at c3o.org
Wed Jan 28 00:30:54 CET 2015

That turns out to be a very unique assessment:

“Following years of vague statements … it is refreshing to see that
what is proposed sounds major.”
–Eleonora Rosati, Copyright Law & Policy Consultant

“If this report is implemented into law, EU copyright is poised for
major changes.”
–Dr. Mezei Péter, Senior Lecturer for Comparative Law at the
University of Szeged

“It is hugely important, because it raises in such a clear and
thoughtful way most of the key problems with today’s copyright.”
–Glyn Moody, Techdirt.com

“Reads like a wishlist of the digital rights movement adapted to what
is feasible”
–Torsten Kleinz, Heise.de

“Reda obviously knows this almost Copernican revolution will be met
with the strongest resistance, which is why she primarily proposes
what may reasonably have a chance of success”
–Rainer Kuhlen, Information Science professor at the University of
Konstanz and spokesperson of the alliance “Copyright for Education and

As quoted from https://juliareda.eu/2015/01/reactions-to-my-copyright-report/

Obviously there are very valid debates to be had over (a) the most
efficient political tactic to achieve change or (b) that pesky
tradeoff between the good and its enemy, the perfect.

But in any case, whether Julia's draft report fulfils your exact
desires or not, the takeaway is that it's time to get involved in the
debate yourself and not expect that one MEP will effect the change you
want: Any actual change beyond ambitious words requires majority
support in Parliament, ie. that of at least 375 non-Pirate Party MEPs
– and that's not even mentioning the Commission, which is the body
that will draft the actual legal proposal...

See also: https://hax.5july.org/2015/01/27/hacking-politics/


Christopher Clay
Tel: +32 483 57 65 30 - Skype: c3oorg - Jabber: hello at c3o.org
http://www.linkedin.com/in/christopherclay - http://twitter.com/c3o

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