[pp.int.general] 2nd application of 2014 PPEU observer member candidates

Maxime Rouquet maxime.rouquet at partipirate.org
Mon Jul 13 21:56:45 CEST 2015

Dear Pirates,

During the 2014 PPEU Founding Conference, the time ran out before it was
possible to vote on the admittance of Observer members.

It has been decided to add to the agenda of the July 17-18th 2015
Council meeting a vote on the membership applications that could not be
voted on last time. The Board has received a couple of new observer
membership applications for 2015, and proposes to the Council to vote on
all these applications, past and new, early during the Council meeting.

However, we are having trouble to gather the detailed list and the
documents sent by Observer member candidates in 2014. Therefore we would
like to ask the organizations that ran candidate and still wish to join
the European Pirates to send again their application for Observer

There is no deadline for running candidate to PPEU membership apart from
the Council meeting's opening itself, but the sooner will be the better,
to let enough time to Council delegates to get the position of their
respective Pirate Party. It also means that entirely new membership
applications are still possible too.

We are looking forward to welcome your pirate-friendly organizations in
the PPEU !

The PPEU Board

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