[pp.int.general] So Piratpartiet does not care about Pirate Manifesto?

Valentin Villenave v.villenave at gmail.com
Sat Aug 23 14:48:26 CEST 2008

2008/8/23 Carlos Ayala <aiarakoa at yahoo.es>:

> I didn't say "Parti Pirate has no interest"; I just said that I miss the
> Parti Pirate's briefing. However, until 31st of August you're still on time
> to deliver it :) Just a brief summary of your stances is required, won't
> take much time to make it. It would be great to have it, specially it being
> a requirement for pirate parties for being allowed to participate in Pirate
> Manifesto's Stage Two -amendments to First Draft-; please try it, try to
> make an effort, I'm sure it won't take much time.

OK, we'll come up with something.

MaryPoppins: don't worry, we'll take that on our forum.

> In July, after Uppsala Declaration, I explained in a series of mails why
> PIRATA rejected Uppsala Declaration -by the way, a Declaration still not
> signed by any single pirate party apart from Piratpartiet-. The main one,
> though not the only one, was not being willing to merge with a traditional
> parliamentary group, nor allowing that group to command us what to vote on
> non-core issues.

Yes, however the problem is that this issue has more or less
distracted us from considering the document as a whole. I still do
think it's a good document; this concrete political issue is not the
most important in it, no matter how we feel about it (and I don't
think any of us feel 100% comfortable with compromises, that's what
compromises are for...).


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