[pp.int.general] So Piratpartiet does not care about Pirate Manifesto?

Gagis wildfinn at gmail.com
Sat Aug 23 15:03:51 CEST 2008

As Carlos said:
>In July, after Uppsala Declaration, I explained in a series of mails why PIRATA rejected Uppsala Declaration -by the way, a Declaration still not signed by any single pirate party apart from Piratpartiet-. The main one, though not the only one, was not being willing to merge with a traditional parliamentary group, nor allowing that group to command us what to vote on non-core issues.

The Pirate Party of Finland agrees. We will confirm the stance on the
meeting next moday but I can almost certainly say that the answer from
us to any selling our votes to others and betraying our voters is:
Hell NO

We will allow our members to campaign on non-core issues freely.

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