[pp.int.general] So Piratpartiet does not care about Pirate Manifesto?

Gagis wildfinn at gmail.com
Sat Aug 23 17:17:19 CEST 2008

Indeed, and also: We absolutely must not fear harsh words and heated
debates, for too careful attitudes and "Politically Correct"
discussions will result in weaker democracy and weaker results.
Unnesecary bickering is of course to be avoided, but an angry debate
is still much better than being too careful with expressing one's
ideas, because angry debates get things done.

On Sat, Aug 23, 2008 at 5:32 PM, Carlos Ayala <aiarakoa at yahoo.es> wrote:
> About the harsh language, there is nothing more harsh than seeing Rick
> defamating both Pirate Manifesto and PIRATA; there is nothing more annoying
> that having someone who defends a text supported by no one defamating a
> consenssus-mannered text in which up to 10 (11 soon, with Parti Pirate)
> pirate parties have become involved; there is nothing more upsetting that
> having Rick falsely presenting PIRATA as a party disengaged with PPI -saying
> we declined to attend to Uppsala; we didn't decline, we simply were unable
> to-.
> Now mind your words, and find out who's the one who should apologize.
> Regards,
>                                                              Carlos Ayala
>                                                              ( Aiarakoa )
>                                        Partido Pirata National Board's
> Chairman

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