[pp.int.general] where is the manifesto?

Helmut Pozimski mailinglist at pozimski.eu
Fri Dec 26 18:09:56 CET 2008

Am Friday 26 December 2008 17:33:16 schrieb Richard M Stallman:
> But is it really impossible in Germany?  Or is it only difficult?
I believe, it is possible but difficult. Difficult, because it is something no 
one has done before (or at least I don't know about it) in Germany. I looked 
at the German copyright law and it seems that there are certain regulations 
that only apply to works created after a certain date and there are others 
(like the term) that were always changed for all works. Of course, apart from 
national law, treaties like TRIPS don't make it easier but altogether it 
should be possible if done carefully.
> It is important to talk with lawyers to get advice about what roads to
> success are available.  But don't talk with a lawyer that disparages
> the goal.  Talk with a lawyer that wants to help you succeed.
Definitely true. But since most of us are no lawyers and we have not been 
elected to any parliament yet, we should define our goals and not stop 
because they might not be easy to achieve. The only thing thing we should 
avoid are things that are clearly against the constitutions of our countries 
or human rights. And by clearly I mean really evident things and not 
something some people interpret into it.

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