[pp.int.general] Schedule - International Conference 2008

Jens Seipenbusch pxkqq6z9-ppdml at yahoo.de
Thu Jan 17 12:07:00 CET 2008

Hi pirates,

now the schedule is finally online at
(and below)

Our main working day will of course be the saturday, as arrival and 
departure can hardly be calculated.

Dont hesitate to send your thoughts for improving things.

Details for the three working sessions can be collected at the wiki-page.

best regards,
Jens Seipenbusch
german pirate party
js at piratenpartei.de

===Friday 25.1.===
* from 14:00: arrival, meeting point is the Club M12, where we can 
assist everyone with their needs (if you arrive earlier and need help, 
mail to Bernd)
* 19:00: meeting at the M12. From there we can choose on what to do 
collectively in the evening: staying at the club for work or changing to 
a place to eat and drink.

===Saturday 26.1.===
* 10.00-13.00: first session: reports on progress of every country

* 13.00-14.00: lunch break (at the location or nearby)

* 14.00-17.00: second session: planning and collaboration on the next 
steps for Pirates to Brussels 2009 (workgroups)

* 18.30-20:00: public discussion event at the 'c-base': "pirate life and 
private life"

* from 20:00: collective dinner (dinner might happen before the 
discussion event, if preferred)

* after that: party time with open end (at the Club M12 or c-base or 
other fancy places)

===Sunday 27.1.===
* 10.00 - 14.00 Uhr: third session, possibility for further talks an 
conferencing at the Club M12
* departure

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