[pp.int.general] Pirate Manifesto: Finally, amendments showdown

Jens Seipenbusch seipenbusch at web.de
Thu Nov 13 10:42:51 CET 2008

Carlos Ayala schrieb:
> http://int.piratenpartei.de/Pirate_Manifesto_Amendments_Showdown
> Remember the voting rules, specially the ones concerning quorums and supermajorities:
> - quorum: for each amendment to become approved, at least 80 %
> of eligible voters must cast their votes; being 11 eligible voters, at
> least 9 should cast their votes;

why is this 80 % ?
Thats too high imho, our national rules e.g. demand 2/3 majority at most.
I'd like to have this cleared _before_ anyone sets another deadline for
the voting provess please.

Maybe the 11 eligible voters should be named here and should be asked
how they want to vote this.

Jens Seipenbusch
vice chairman
international coordination
german pirate party
js at piratenpartei.de

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