[pp.int.general] Pirate Manifesto: extra debate round for 1st, 6th & 7th ballots

Jens Seipenbusch seipenbusch at web.de
Fri Nov 28 11:23:32 CET 2008

Carlos Ayala schrieb:
> De: Jens Seipenbusch <seipenbusch at web.de>
> Enviado: jueves, 27 de noviembre, 2008 16:18:36
anifesto in some national parties like the german one.
> The common terms for all ballots to be debated 

we have issues even if you dont think we have

>> If we now have a debate over the mentioned ones, i propose we also discuss about the 3rd voting
>> (Amendment 13) and the 4th voting (14th amendment) with equal entitlement.
> Third Voting: 1 vote for the 13th Amendment, 6 votes against
> Fourth Voting: 0 votes for the 14th Amendment, 6 votes against
which is obviously the result of you rejecting the correct grammar of
that sentences. In the form you admitted those amendments, they didnt
make sense at all and you know that.
I'd prefer discussung about the _contents_ of those proposals, when the
majority is of different opinion, its very fine with me, but dont expect
me to follow stupid rules that prevent discussing the real thing.

> Have you asked German pirates? I mean, in PIRATA we can issue a ballot
> for the Final Draft and, if not at least half of eligible voters,
> nearly half would be able to cast their telematic vote. Why wouldn't be
> PPDE able to get their votes ready in this two-month window -maybe one
> after the debates-?

yes, in fact thats a result of internal feedback.
Additionally we are just now preparing for the reelection in Hesse,
which has a deadline for signature collecting mid december and the
election mid january - so we are very busy and must take this into
account (not to speak of the christmas break).

> First Draft is already translated into German -cannot speak German, though it won't be believable to pretend (just in
> case that such translation is not totally right) that you need weeks!
> to have it ready-, and -as long as only certain parts are going to be
> debated- this two-month window perfectly allows internal debate and the
> following ballot.

i dont know who translated it, but as we saw in the Uppsala meeting, it
can be variations of single words, that make a translated sentence
agreeable or not. So it is not sufficient to translate it with google.

In addition we have a federal strutuce of our party, so the discussion
will just take time - why do you think we should not be allowed to have
this time ?

Jens Seipenbusch
vice chairman
international coordination
german pirate party
js at piratenpartei.de

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