[pp.int.general] Our votes, and our problem with amendment 3 ha

Jens Seipenbusch seipenbusch at web.de
Fri Nov 28 19:01:56 CET 2008

Gagis schrieb:
> Carlos and Jens, will you quit the absolutely useless bickering already and
> start thinking about what helps us make the manifest better instead of whose
> pride is hurt and where. The rest of us simply do not care and are rather
> unimpressed with the behiaviour of *both* of you.

> Think: "Does this improve the document?", instead of: "Is this formally
> correct and does it support my authority?"

lets do it:

i made a new page to collect all the remaining issues with the goal to
fix them in a second amendment round:

to not interfer with the previous pages, i only linked it here:

I would like to encourage you to bring up your issues and improvement
proposals under the section Issues there:

Dont hesitate to change/elaborate on the points i already brainstormed
to that location.

Be aware that i only copied the text from the first draft to the page of
the second draft
(http://int.piratenpartei.de/Pirate_Manifesto_Second_Draft) and this
still needs the successful amendments of the first round be worked in.

best regards,

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